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Gain a Truer Picture of Disease Prevalence

Optum Enlighten is a groundbreaking pharma intelligence platform that identifies disease prevalence in populations at a hyper-local level.

Advanced analytics and predictive modeling

  • Understand obstacles preventing members getting diagnosed*
  • View the current and future market share of medications specific to targeted sub-populations, regions and providers
  • Identify the true population eligible for a specific drug
  • Prioritize locations and providers with the highest access to potential consumers

Key benefits

Learn how our pharma intelligence platform can help you get the data you need.

Stratify with specifics

Stratify medical and prescription claims data of 30 million real-world lives — diagnoses, procedures, prescriptions and labs — to spot disease prevalence.

Identify relevant patient cohorts

Using more than 70 predictive models and 200 rules, find patient cohorts suspected of having the disease you’re targeting.

Narrow further

Drill further to the provider level, enabling you to sharpen your sales strategy.

How does it work?

Find candidates for your drug by selecting the relevant condition, along with the stratification criteria. Drill down into high prevalence areas to find a provider-based target population.

Interested in seeing the state and hyper-local detail?

Related healthcare insights


10 years of innovation with the FDA — and more in store

Dr. John Seeger reflects on Optum contributions to the Sentinel Initiative and looks forward to the opportunities ahead.


The value of clinical notes

What more is there to the patient story? Get deeper data insight into patient-clinician interactions with de-identified clinical notes.


The 6 trends shaping pharma strategies in 2024

Life sciences market experts from Optum and Advisory Board share perspectives on trends that will influence the future drug value chain.

Product information and resources

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    Learn more about Optum Enlighten

    Get all the details about this pharma intelligence platform to give you the advanced analytics and predictive data that you need.

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    Severe asthma

    Learn how our predictive models and clinical rules identify disease prevalence and relevant patient cohorts for severe asthma.

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    Heart failure

    Learn how our predictive models and clinical rules identify disease prevalence and relevant patient cohorts for heart failure.

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    Alzheimer’s disease

    Learn how our predictive models and clinical rules identify disease prevalence and relevant patient cohorts for Alzheimer’s disease.


*While the model will predict a diagnosis, it still falls solely on the provider to make this diagnosis.